Esperanza Mission Trip Registration

Registration Page for 2025 Mexico Mission Trips
Trinity Lutheran Church & Schools
6215 196th St SW Lynnwood, WA 98036
6215 196th St SW Lynnwood, WA 98036
Are you interested in giving one week of your year to work side by side with the people of Mexico to build bridges between cultures, to build homes with those who are working for a better life, to help empower the people of Esperanza to change lives, to explore your role as a global citizen?
Join Trinity as we make a difference in the world. Invite friends and family to join us. We have one intergenerational mission trip in August with a possibility of a second mission trip for adults in early October if we have 6 or more people
Trinity has been taking groups to Mexico to serve with Esperanza for 21 years. We have led 41 teams involving 286 people. Over 100 of those people have participated 2 or more times. 32 have participated 5 or more times. We have given a total of 709 person weeks of service with the people of Esperanza. We have helped 87 families build their homes. We have also helped build a school, Health center, preschool and community cnnter.
Give yourself away for a week and join us for this unique experience.
Mission Trip 1 - August 9-16, 2025 -
Inter-generational Mission (10 & older) (minors must be accompanied by an adult)
Cost and Payment --
Fee is $775 without airfare. Registration for our August trip closes by June 15, 2025.
$300 deposit is due at registration. (Ground transportation, lodging and most meals are included.)
Balance is due by June 15, 2025
You can pay online at Trinity's secure payment page.
If you pay by credit card please select the option to help pay the credit card fees.
Make checks payable to
Trinity Lutheran Church with "Mexico Mission" in the memo line and send to:
Trinity Lutheran Church
6215 196th St SW
Lynnwood WA 98036
Attn. Deb Johnson/Cliff Bronson
Flights --
You will be responsible to purchase your airline ticket to San Diego International Airport.
Seattle or Everett departures no later than 10am. --- San Diego departure no earlier than 1pm.
For more information contact:
Cliff Bronson or Deb Johnson
Mission Trip 2 - Early October, 2025 Canceled -- Adult Mission (18 and older)